MUSO, content protection, piracy


MUSO provides content protection services for independent content creators including self published authors, musicians and producers. We scan the web for your files and crawl global piracy domains and search engines matching potential piracy files. Using a combination of technology and piracy experts, we verify and send a notice for all infringements. We also provide dynamic reporting and detailed updates via a centralised dashboard.

MUSO, content protection, piracy

We quickly discover and reduce piracy with automated 24/7 protection.
We automatically scan for new piracy allowing you more time for creating.
We automatically issue DMCA takedown notices to infringing websites.

How does MUSO work?

MUSO provides content protection services for independent content creators including self published authors, musicians and producers. We scan the web for your files and crawl global piracy domains and search engines matching potential piracy files. Using a combination of technology and piracy experts, we verify and send a notice for all infringements. We also provide dynamic reporting and detailed updates via a centralised dashboard.

How does piracy affect authors/indie creators?

Digital piracy creates a significant negative impact on everyone in the distribution chain, including content creators, publishers, retailers, distributors, and consumers. Each year, the creative industries lose hundreds of millions of dollars in lost sales to piracy—and with each lost sale, creators lose royalty income. According to the Author’s guild, there is a clear correlation between the decline in author’s income and the growth of digital piracy and as Forbes states, independent musicians are hit hardest by piracy.