THE TENTH DAY. NOVEL I. Knight, Alfonso king of Spain

THE TENTH DAY.  Now began certain little clouds, that were in the west, to blush with a vermilion tint, whilst those in the east grew bright at their extremities, like burnished gold, owing to the sunbeams approaching near, and glancing upon… Leer másTHE TENTH DAY. NOVEL I. Knight, Alfonso king of Spain

XCI, reg 1 fol 18, mayo 1156

XCIReg.1 fol. 18. Mayo 1156. In nomine Sancte et individue Trinitatis Hec est conveniencia et concordia que facta est inter domnum et illustrissimum Ildefonsum Ispaniarum imperatorem filiosque ejus Sancium et Ferrandum reges ac venerabilem R. comite Barchinonense. Ego igitur R…. Leer másXCI, reg 1 fol 18, mayo 1156