10-8, Sophronia, Gisippus, Titus Quintus Fulvius

NOVEL VIII.  Sophronia believing herself to be the wife of Gisippus, is really married to Titus Quintus Fulvius, who carries her to Rome, where Gisippus arrives some time after in great distress, and, thinking himself despised by Titus, confesses himself guilty of… Leer más10-8, Sophronia, Gisippus, Titus Quintus Fulvius

5-6, Gianni di Procida, King Frederick, condemned, burnt, stake

NOVEL VI.  Gianni di Procida is discovered with a young lady, formerly his mistress, but then given to King Frederick, for which he is condemned to be burnt with her at a stake, when being known by Ruggieri dell’ Oria,… Leer más5-6, Gianni di Procida, King Frederick, condemned, burnt, stake