Nolo, Decaf, low caffeine coffee

Nolo Decaf low caffeine coffee

Thanks caffeine we’ll take it from here. Introducing Nolo, the first Decaf specialists, creating truly delicious tasting Decaf and Low Caffeine coffee. No more being constrained by caffeine – worried about the jitters, the crashes, the impact on your sleep, how many cups is too much… our vision is a world where coffee lovers can enjoy greating tasting coffee any time of day and all day long. Yes, we’re proud to be Decaf.

Nolo, Decaf, low caffeine coffee

It’s true: Decaf has sucked. It’s been coffee’s slightly embarrassing side showthe token friend, the afterthought. Never given much focus or attention, the reluctant presence in the line-up of more exciting caffeinated options. And fair enough: Decaf has mainly tasted terrible – the left over coffee beans, deflavoured through the decaffeination process with chemical solvents, over-roasted in mass batches to lose what little flavour was left, and indifferently offered up for the sad sacks who couldn’t handle their caffeine.

Enough of that. We’re proud to be Decaf. Our coffee guru chooses incredible blends, designed to be decaffeinated. We decaffeinate using only clean water decaffeination – no chemical solvents – so the flavour stays in the bean. And we only Medium Roast, to maximise the flavour from a decaffeinated bean. The result is – surprise – delicious tasting Decaf that you’d never guess was decaffeinated.

And then we package it up in all the formats you could want: convenient capsules, whole beans and ground beans. With a deep, rich, velvety comforting flavour your brain’s told you until now you only get with caffeinated coffee. Try some yourself and open up your coffee rituals to any time of day and as much as you like. You’re welcome.

Our Vision

A world where Decaf doesn’t suck. And coffee lovers are no longer held hostage to caffeine’s limitations.

Our Mission

We’re proud to be Decaf and we fly the flag for great tasting Decaf and enjoying coffee however whenever you like. Thanks caffeine we’ll take it from here.

Our Positioning

Guru crafted, clean water decaffeinated delicious Decaf and Low Coffee that gives you all the rich, velvety comfort and enjoyment of caffeinated coffee.

Our campaign is about getting people to try Nolo with a Starter Pack of any of our formats – capsules, ground or whole beans.

Starter Packs
Get 50% off your first month with any subscription starter pack. Plus, enjoy a 10% Discount and Free Shipping on every order.

Easily manage your subscription – modify, skip, or cancel anytime with no hassle.

Use Code STARTER50 at checkout.